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时间:2023-09-15  阅读:

讲座题目:Dare to be Unique? CEOs’ Uncommon Surnames and Unique CSR Practices(敢于与众不同吗?CEO姓氏独特性和独特的企业社会责任实践)

主讲人:赵小平 上海交通大学安泰太阳集团tcy8722 副教授




This study identifies CEOs’ uncommon surnames as one important antecedent of unique corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. We start by conceptualizing avoiding CSR conformity and seeking CSR differentiation as two distinct forms of unique CSR practices. Building upon relational self theory, we argue that CEOs with uncommon surnames develop a relational self of being different from peers and are motivated to pursue uniqueness through avoiding CSR conformity and seeking CSR differentiation. The proposed relationships are moderated by performance feedback, which shapes CEOs’ decisions on CSR practices. Using data from 3,150 firm-year observations of 531 Chinese public firms over a 13-year period, we find support for our theoretical predictions. The findings suggest that CEOs with uncommon surnames are unlikely to achieve optimal distinctiveness in CSR practices.



赵小平,博士毕业于弗吉尼亚理工大学Pamplin商学院,目前任职于上海交通大学安泰太阳集团tcy8722组织管理系,任副教授、博士生导师。研究方向聚焦于企业社会责任、企业伦理、ESG等。研究发表在Strategic Management Journal、Journal of Management、Journal of Business Ethics等期刊。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目。任上海市伦理学学会理事。获得第八届高等学校科学研究(人文社会科学)青年成果奖。