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时间:2024-04-22  阅读:

讲座题目:他爱他投入过的:求偶线索对男性和女性消费者沉没成本偏见的影响(He Loves the One He Has Invested in: Effects of Mating Cues on Male and Female Consumers’ Sunk Cost Bias)

主讲人: 陈瑞 厦门大学





Sunk cost bias has been found in many domains, and various mechanisms have been proposed. The current study offers a novel perspective for understanding sunk cost bias. Drawing on previous findings suggesting that sunk cost bias may be adaptive and promoted by fundamental motives, we theorize that sunk cost bias may be a goal-oriented behavior in the mating domain and that the bias can extend to other consumption domains when mating cues are salient. One field study and seven experiments (six of which were pre-registered) demonstrate that mating cues strengthen an implemental mindset among male (vs. female) consumers. Consequently, male consumers exhibit a stronger sunk cost bias in consumption when mating cues are salient. However, this effect does not exist among female consumers due to differences in mating tactics. In addition, we distinguish our effect from status quo bias and rule out multiple alternative explanations of our results (including affect, overconfidence, investment-payoff link, persistence, perceived morality, shame, guilt, and disgust associated with abandoning the original option).



陈瑞,厦门大学市场学系副系主任,副教授,博士生导师,清华大学市场营销系博士;入选厦门市高层次留学人才,福建省高层次人才。主要关注配偶寻求动机、女性生理周期对个体消费决策行为的影响,致力于从微观的视角深入地解读社会宏观的性别比例失调问题、婚恋问题、留守儿童问题和社会关系和谐构建等问题。聚焦在该领域的研究受到国家自然科学基金(青年项目和面上项目)、中国博士后科学基金(面上一等和特别资助)、中央高校基本科研业务经费立项资助,并著有“Sex Drive and Consumer Decision-Making”的专著章节。其研究成果发表在Journal of Consumer Psychology、Journal of Bussiness Research、European Journal of Marketing、Journal of Consumer Affairs、International Journal of Hospitality Management、心理学报、南开管理评论、心理科学、国际新闻界、中国软科学、营销科学学报等国内外相关领域顶级学术期刊。相关成果得到广泛引用、转载和报道。受邀在清华大学、北京大学等高校进行学术讲座。为中国民航科研院、厦门市海洋局、北京字跳网络科技有限公司、苏州市文化创意企事业单位等提供咨询培训。