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首页 - 师资队伍 - 全职教师 - 经济系 - 教授 - 正文

武文杰教授 博士生导师
Email: wenjie.wu@whu.edu.cn


• 区位研究、区域经济与管理、公共经济与管理

• 博士、硕士研究生招生:区域经济学


• 武文杰,太阳集团tcy8722三级教授、博士生导师。国家社科重大项目首席专家,主持国家自科基金项目5项。兼任国际中国规划协会Global Board of Directors、英国ESRC城市大数据中心联合创始人、中国区域科学协会理事等。在Routledge出版社出版《Economics of Planning Policies in China: Infrastructure, Location and Cities》等2部书籍。在Journal of Economic Geography等国际SCI/SSCI一区期刊发表论文70余篇,在《地理学报》《金融研究》等发表中文论文20余篇。获国际社会科学协会World Social Science Fellow,入选中国房地产中青年学者30人论坛成员,研究成果被光明日报、人民网、中国经济网等媒体报道和转载。


• 世界银行,短期咨询专家


• 国际社会科学协会会士奖

• 国际区域科学协会年度优秀论文奖

• 中国地理年会优秀论文奖

• 中国管理学年会优秀论文奖


•《经济地理》青年编委(CSSCI),担任Landscape and Urban Planning、Urban Forestry&Urban Greening、Transportation Research Part D等国际知名期刊专刊(ABS三星期刊)客座编辑


• 国家重大人才工程青年学者

• 国家社科基金重大项目首席专家

• 英国ESRC城市大数据中心联合创始人

• 国际中国规划协会(IACP)全球联席理事长(Global Board of Directors)、欧洲区域主席

• 中国城市规划学会区域规划与城市经济学术委员会委员

• 中国区域科学协会理事

• 中国房地产中青年学者30人论坛成员

• 世界银行研究顾问


• 光明日报、光明网、人民网、中国经济网等



1. Gibbons, S., Wu, W*. 2020. Airports, Access and Local Economic Performance in China, Journal of Economic Geography, 1-35. doi:10.1093/jeg/lbz021

2. Wu W, Cao M, Wang F, et al. Nonlinear influences of landscape configurations and walking access to transit services on travel satisfaction[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2024, 189: 104232.

3. Wu, W., Dong, G., Sun, Y. et al. 2020. Contextualized Effects of Park Access and Usage on Residential Satisfaction: A Spatial Approach, Land Use Policy, 94,104532

4. Wu, W., Wang, J., Dai, T., W Mark. 2018. The Geographical Legacies of Mountains: Impacts on Cultural Difference Landscapes, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1, 277-290.

5. Wu, T., Zhang, N., Gui, L., Wu, W. 2018. Sustainable Endogenous Growth Model of Multiple Regions: Reconciling OR and Economic Perspectives, European Journal of Operational Research, 269(1), 218-226.

6. Wu, W., Dong G., Zhang, W. 2017. The Puzzling Heterogeneity in Amenity Capitalization Effects on Land Markets, Papers in Regional Science, 96, 135-153.

7. Wu, W., Wang, J., Dai, T. 2016. The Geography of Cultural Ties and Human Mobility: Big Data in Urban Contexts, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 106(3), 612-630.

8. Dong G., Wu, W. 2016. Schools, Land Markets and Spatial Effects,Land Use Policy, 59, 366-374.

9. Wu, W., Wang J. 2016. Gentrification Effects of China's Urban Village Renewals, Urban Studies, 54(1), 214-229.

10. Wu, W., Dong G. 2014. Valuing 'Green' Amenities in a Spatial Context, Journal of Regional Science, 54 (4), 569-585.

11. Liu, W., Wu, W., Thakuriah, P. 2020. The Geography of Human Activity and Land Use: A Big Data Approach. Cities, 97, 102523.


12. Wang, B., Dai, M., Wu, W. Do Environmental Friendly Manufacturing Zones Cause a Rise in Plants’ Environment Performance? Evidence from China’s Environmental Friendly Manufacturing Zone Program. Jin Rong Yan Jiu (金融研究), 2017, 442 (4), 154-175.

13. Ye, D., Pan, S., Wu, W., et al. Distance, Accessibility and Innovation: Research on the Optimal Radius of High-speed Rail's Impact on Urban Innovation. Finance & Trade Economics(财贸经济),2020, 41(02), 146-161.

13.Yin, J., Zhang, Q., Wu, W. et al., Return Migration Intention: Heterogeneous Effects from Multidimensional Distances Over Space, Acta Geographica Sinica (地理学报), 2022, 77(12), 3146-3161.

14.Wu, W., Dong, Z., Zhang,W, et al. Spatio-temporal Evolution of the China's Inter-urban Organization Network Structure: Based on Aviation Data from 1983 to 2006. Acta Geographica Sinica (地理学报), 2011, 66(4), 435-445.

15.Dong, G., Zhang, W., Wu, W., et al. Spatial Heterogeneity in Determinants of Residential Land Price: Simulation and Prediction, Acta Geographica Sinica (地理学报), 2011, 66(6), 750-760.

16.Wu, W., Zhang, W., Liu,Z. Modelling the Determinants of Residential Land Price: using land-leasing parcel data in Beijing. Acta Geographica Sinica (地理学报), 2010,65(6), 676-684.


Wu, W. Economics of Planning Policies in China: Infrastructure, Location and Cities. Routledge, 2017.

Wu, W., Wang, Y.eds. The Geography of Development, Mobility and Wellbeing in China: Understanding Transformations through Big Data. Routledge, 2020.