刘学元教授 博士生导师 工商管理系 Email: x.liu@whu.edu.cn 电话:+86-27-68753083 英国索尔福德(Salford)大学商学院,企业管理博士(2003-2006) 英国索尔福德(Salford)大学商学院,工商管理硕士(2001-2002) 南开大学,英国语言文学, 学士(1983—1987)
•Best Track Paper Award on the 6th International Conference on Operations andSupply Chain Management(2012, Xi’an, China): “Partner Relationship, Social Capital and Absorptive Capacity in Building Innovation Capability: Evidence from China” (Liu, Luo, Zhao & Flynn)
•Best Track Paper Award on the3rdInternational Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management(2009, Wuhan, China)
•国际知名期刊《创业与区域发展》特刊编辑(2016-2018)(Guest editor for the Special Issue of Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: Entrepreneurship in China (2016-2018)
•国际知名期刊的匿名评审(Reviewers):Journal of World Business, Journal of Operations Management (JOM) and Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM)
•主席(2017-2019),国际运营与供应链管理学会(Association of Supply Chain and Operations Management, ASCOM)
•“The Impact of Employees’Informal interaction on Innovation Capability in the Context of Buyer-Supplier Dyads”,第三届新兴市场国家的创新与创业管理国际会议,兰卡斯特大学商学院举办,英国兰卡斯特,2016年7月4-6日
•Huang, Q., Liu, X. & Li, J. 2019. Contextualization of Chinese entrepreneurship research: an overview and some future research directions. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.(DOI:10.1080/08985626.2019.1640437 )
•Liu, X., Zhao, H., and Zhao, X., 2018.Absorptive capacity and business performance: The mediating effects of innovation and mass customization, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 118 Issue: 9, pp. 1787-1803,
•Liu, X., Huang, Q., Dou, J. & Zhao, X., 2017. The impact of informal social interaction on innovation capability in the context of buyer-supplier dyads, Journal of Business Research,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.12.027
•Jin, Z., Lynch, R.,Liu,Xet al., 2014. The Relationship between consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and product country image among younger generation consumers: The moderating role of country development status,International Business Review(2014.9).http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2014.08.010
•Wu, X.,Liu, X.& Huang, Q., 2012. Impact of the institutional environment on the choice of entry mode: evidence from Chinese enterprises.China: An International Journal. Vol 10 (1).
•刘学元,赵倩倩,赵先德.供应链核心企业领导力与企业质量绩效:供应链质量管理的中介作用.《珞珈管理评论》,2019, Vol. 28 (1), p181-194.
•刘学元,沈幕珍,赵先德.供应链质量风险管理对企业质量绩效的影响—供应链领导者支持的调节作用,《华东经济管理》,2019,Vol 33 (2), p122-127.
•刘学元,丁雯婧,赵先德(美).企业创新网络中关系强度、吸收能力与创新绩效的关系研究.南开管理评论, 2016, Vol. 19(1), p30-42.
•刘学元,刘璇,赵先德(美).社会资本、知识获取与创新绩效:基于供应链视角.科技进步与对策,2016, Vol. 33(4), p119-126.
•刘学元,孙敏, Wujin Chu(韩).我国新能源汽车产业创新发展对策研究—基于中德日韩美五国的问卷调查.科技进步与对策, 2015, Vol. 32 (21), p77-83.
•刘学元, “走出信任困局”,《北大商业评论》, 2014年05月总第118期,p60-67
•刘学元,“美国制造业“回岸”下的中国对策”,《北大商业评论》,2012年第4期, p32-38.
•Liu, X., et al., 2016. The impact of formal and informal interaction to knowledge acquisition and innovation capability, Proceedings of Production and Operations Management (POMS) Annual Conference, Orlando, USA
•Liu, X.et al, 2016. Innovation and Business Performance: The Mediating Roles of Mass Customization and Absorptive Capacity, Proceedings of Production and Operations Management (POMS) Annual Conference, Orlando, USA
•Liu, X.,Zhao, X. & Ding, W., Strength of ties with innovation partners, absorptive capacity, and innovation performance,2014 Annual Meeting Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute, Tampa, USA. Nov. 22-25, 2014.
•刘学元/John Sharp,《业务流程改进的敏捷性研究》(英),科学出版社,2009.6
•教育部人文社科规划基金, “中国制造企业的供应链管理、创新能力与其国际竞争力的关系研究”,编号:17YJA630061,2018-2020,项目经费:10万元,主持。
•Developing the Mass-Customization Capability through Supply Chain Learning, 2010, a collaborative research project sponsored by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. (香港中文大学商学院)
•The Customers’ Attitudes towards the New Energy Development of the Motor Vehicles. 2010-2011, a collaborative research jointly sponsored by Seoul National University and Hyundai Motor Group, Seoul, Korea.(国立首尔大学商学院、现代汽车集团)
•A comparative Study on Innovation Management, 2008, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, MMUBS(Ref No.:105-237128)(曼彻斯特城市大学商学院)
•Branding Wuhan as an International Tourist Destination, 2008 Ryerson University Business School(Ref:105-237127)(加拿大瑞森大学商学院)
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